Tukaani logo

Tukaani Artwork

Woo, a mascot!

The official mascot of Tukaani Linux is Bob the Toucan (Corvus Tucanus). He hatched from an egg in September, 2005, but we adopted him only later due to miscellaneous delays, workload, stress, and the usual reasons so abundant in the field of information technology. You may feed him if you like. He likes crackers.


Bob the Toucan — Copyright © 2005, 2006 Ville Koskinen

The artwork on this page, specifically Bob the Toucan and related logos, is subject to Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial 1.0 Finland license. For the specifics:


The font used in the logos is Domestic Manners by Dustin Norlander.

Bob's head

Download in different sizes: 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, and 256x256 pixels, PNG.

Tukaani banners

Text on the right, Bob on the left. 234x60 pixels, PNG.
Text on the left, Bob on the right. 234x60 pixels, PNG.
Bob and text centered in different sizes: 120x60, 240x120, 360x180, and 480x240 pixels, PNG.