I am happy to announce release 1.0b16 of TDBC. This is the most recent of the frequent beta releases of the TDBC core and driver code. Source code of TDBC, and all the drivers, can be obtained by the following steps: (1) Open a browser and go to http://tdbc.tcl.tk/index.cgi/login (2) Log in as 'anonymous' - the password is shown on that page. (3) Once you are logged in, go to the page for the 1.0b16 release: http://tdbc.tcl.tk/index.cgi/timeline?t=1.0b16 and navigate through the 'Leaf' link on that page. (4) Download the source code by clicking on the [ZIP Archive] link in the 'Commands:' line at the bottom of the first paragraph. Documentation for the current release is maintained online at http://tcl.sourceforge.net/tdbc/contents.htm Win32 binaries and HTML documentation for the 1.0b16 release are available from SourceForge at: https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10894&package_id=305160 The files to be found there are: tdbc1.0b16-win32.zip: This file contains Win32 binaries of the database drivers for TDBC. To install it, unzip the file, and then run 'wish86.exe' passing it the INSTALL.TCL file in the resulting directory. Thereafter, tclsh and wish should be able to do [package require tdbc::mysql] [package require tdbc::odbc] [package require tdbc::postgres] and [package require tdbc::sqlite3] tdbc1.0b16-doc.zip: This file contains HTML documentation for the TDBC drivers. The 'contents.html' file in its root directory is the entry point to the documentation and contains the links to everything else. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Significant changes since the 1.0b14 release: All drivers have been updated to TEA 3.9, and have had the Tcl 8.6 Tcl_LoadFile functionality added. This means that drivers built from source do not need the development environments of the corresponding database systems to be installed on the build machine; the database client libraries can be deployed at any time and the drivers will load them dynamically. Unfortunately, this change requires 8.6-specific code, so 1.0b14 will be the last release that supports 8.5. If clear need emerges for an 8.5 branch of TDBC, it will of course be possible to branch from 1.0b14 and backport changes. All the drivers now support 'primarykeys' and 'foreignkeys' commands on the connection objects. These commands provide rudimentary introspection of the database schema, so that programs such as schema diagram renderers, query path generators, and object-relational mappers can deduce the relationships among tables. Many small portability enhancements and bugfixes have been made. In this release, special thanks go out to Donal Fellows, Andreas Kupries, and Don Porter, for testing on a variety of machines, and developing bugfixes.