% ltx2html.sty --- Some useful commands and environments when using
% ltx2x to convert from LaTeX to HTML tagging.
% Author: Peter Wilson August 1996
\ProvidesPackage{ltx2html}[1996/08/29 ltx2x HTMLing]
% \typeout{ltx2html.sty [1996/08/29 ltx2x HTMLing]}
\RequirePackage{html} % the package file for the Perl program
% latex2html
% The document title for the WWW browser.
% If used, must be placed in the preamble.
% argument is for processing by LaTeX only
% argument is for HTML processing only
% print argument as an SGML/HTML start tag
% print argument as an SGML/HTML end tag
% print HTML special characters
% treat contents as a LaTeX comment but
% translate contents into an HTML "verbatim" environment
% Use as: \begin{htmlverbatim} ... \end{htmlverbatim}